Business Enterprise
With the shrinking of markets due to decline in birthrate and aging population, diversification of customer needs, participation of different industries with strengths in ICT (Information and Communication Technology), and collapse of prices due to digitalization, business companies are required to undergo transformation, including DX (Digital Transformation) and their business models.
In this transformation, one thing that is often overlooked is the real estate owned by companies, such as buildings and factories. The offices where employees work are becoming more diverse in terms of measures against infectious diseases, reformed work styles, and securing excellent human resources. As the domestic market shrinks, many companies are starting to reorganize their production bases globally. Reconstructing facilities in line with current business and personnel plans, reusing buildings and real estate that are currently not in use, and reviewing facility management strategies in line with changes in the nature of business are essential to business strategies.
In addition, it is not only the existing facilities that are important, but also the strategic construction of new facilities when creating new businesses is also an important perspective in management strategy. Facilities that go beyond conventional thinking are required, such as offices and research facilities that combine countermeasures against infectious diseases with open innovation, state-of-the-art smart factories that utilize AI (artificial intelligence) and IoT (Internet of Things), and the construction of super cities underlined with sustainability and SDGs.
Index Group, as an independent construction project management company, always stands by the client and provides a comprehensive range of services from upstream to downstream of construction projects, including planning of business strategies based on construction and real estate, and optimization of cost and facility management to support organizational strategies. Our professionals provide total support for management decision-making, from upstream to downstream of projects. -
Planning for construction management
In addition to conventional PM/CM services such as bidding and procuring strategies and third-party construction management, we also provide support in the project planning stage, such as feasibility studies, consultation on financial and legal issues, fund procurement, construction technology issues to optimize investment, and the formation of corporate consortiums to lead projects to success.
New construction and renovation
Once the business strategy has been finalized and the decision to build the facility has been made, the next step is the construction project management phase. Construction project management is a service in which the company placing the order and the project manager decide on the specifications of the needed building, verify that it will fit within the budget and schedule, determine the optimal procuring strategy, and have a specialized consultant manage and supervise the design and construction phase.
The client, i.e., the business company, may not be as familiar with construction as the design or construction company, and tends to leave everything to them. As a result, they tend to over-specify, resulting in budget overruns, schedule delays, and buildings that are difficult to use.
It is very important to build a facility that is not only easy to use, but also has optimal functions that contribute to productivity without waste and at a reasonable cost. As the client's agent, Index Groups project managers are responsible for determining the specifications and layout (programming) through interviews with management, employees, and other users, selecting design firms and construction companies, formulating optimal ordering strategies such as the design-build method, optimizing design content, estimating construction costs, cost management, and project management.In addition to construction project management, Index Group also provides facility management services, including optimization based on costs and personnel, preparation of appropriate medium- to long-term repair plans, reduction of energy costs and improvement of CO2 emissions, establishment of management systems such as the selection of management companies, and facility design based on the comfort and productivity of users. In addition, we have been providing services such as surveys of existing facilities for legal compliance and earthquake resistance, technical support to issue solution, and preparation of engineering reports on soil contamination and earthquake risks for many years.
Effective use of related facilities
After organizing the buildings and real estate owned and operated by a company from a cross-organizational perspective, Index Group identifies profitability and risks, and assists in the formulation of short- and long-term management strategies. Specifically, we propose solutions to improve profitability and reduce maintenance costs for real estate that is underutilized or difficult to use, such as unused land and buildings, closed factory sites, land along railroad tracks, and real estate in regulated areas.
In addition to revenue planning and risk analysis in line with the client's position, our urban planning, architecture, and real estate experts, propose the greatest possible benefits from several options, including coordination with stakeholders such as neighboring landowners, and administrative consultation. -
Large-scale development projects (smart/super cities, mixed-use development/IR projects, PPP/PFI)
Index Group covers a wide range of fields, from social infrastructure such as smart cities, super cities, privatization of roads and water supply, and introduction of renewable energy, to large-scale development such as arenas, MICE (tourism businesses such as international conferences and exhibition halls), IR (integrated resorts), and commercial facilities. We survey market demand trends, formulate business strategies, and provide various support services to ensure smooth project implementation.
Large-scale projects tend to be complicated to manage because they involve a large number of stakeholders, including prominent architects from Japan and abroad. In such projects, the success or failure of the project depends on the availability of a project manager who can coordinate the business plan (business operators, think tanks, sub-consultants, etc.), planning (developers), and development plan (design firms, construction companies, sub-contractors) to ensure smooth progression of the project.
Index Group provides total support from the planning and conceptual stages of a project, including consensus building, feasibility studies, and structuring of a design system with domestic and international design firms at its core.