

Kimikazu Uemura│Participated at "A World of Three Zeros With Muhammad Yunus" Symposium


インデックス 齊藤幸平 末吉里香
                                (Left to right: Asst. Prof. Saito, Ms. Sueyoshi, Mr. Maeda, Mr. Uemura)
The CEO of Index Group, Mr. Uemura, participated in the online symposium "A World of Three Zeros with Muhammad Yunus" as a moderator in the panel discussion. The symposium was held by Construction Project Delivery System Council where Mr. Uemura serves as a director and other organizations.
Professor Muhammad Yunus was born in Bangladesh in 1940. In 1983, he established Grameen Bank to help the landless poor, particularly women, by providing small unsecured loans (microcredit).
Microcredit has been promoted throughout the country to alleviate the poor's reliance. It makes an essential contribution to the solution of the poverty problem. In 2006, Prof. Yunus was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of his achievements.
He also advocates "social business" as a solution to social problems and continues developing businesses in various fields worldwide.
In the keynote speech, Prof. Yunus talked about the background of Grameen Bank's establishment, the problems our nowadays society facing, and his perspectives and actions towards his newest publication, "A World of Three Zeros: The New Economics of Zero Poverty, Zero Unemployment, and Zero Net Carbon Emissions".
Asst. Prof. Kohei Saito (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo), Ms. Rika Sueyoshi (President, Ethical Association), and Prof. Takeshi Nakajima (Professor, Institute for Liberal Arts, Tokyo Institute of Technology) participated in the panel discussion. Mr. Uemura moderated a discussion of the keynote speeches as well as the ideas and activities of the panelists.
Index Group's mission is to contribute to solving social issues and making international contributions through our business. Because the "Social Business" advocated by Prof. Yunus aligns with our mission, Index Group assisted in sponsoring this symposium.
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